Thursday, February 28, 2008

More Crazy Dogs and Irishmen

Shirley, you enjoyed viewing video of our Irish Radio Theatre comrades in arms, Crazy Dog Audio Theatre, earlier this month.

Not content to merely make the best comic radio theatre in the English language today, nooooo, they are stepping behind the footlights for a live theatre show entitled: "Marsyas - The Hippest Satyr."

Here is Part The Second:

Here is Part The Third:

Is there more truly goggling Crazy Dog live show to follow? You bet your fez, baby!

Coyote Radio Theater's deeply felt congrats on another great show to Head Crazy Dog Roger Gregg and his merry band of DSM-IV described canines!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

WARNING - Change of Plans This Weekend at The Raven Cafe

Sometimes wires cross, signals turn to static, and in the mix of it all there is confusion. Somehow I misunderstood the actual closing date. We will not be open this Sunday through next Sunday. I was a day off, and I apologize for any brunch plans that may have been thwarted as a result.

Also, as new plans have come up:

Wednesday Night: Local Musician, Teacher, and all around Friend of the Jazz Community Mel Zelnick recently passed away. Services are being held Wednesday, friends and musicians are coming in from around the country, and a tribute concert is being held at the Raven Wednesday Night (Tonight). It promises to be a night of memories, new musical comraderies, and great Jazz. 7pm

Saturday: DJ O. Allen Huddleston will be on hand to spin a set of ambient, eclectic, danceable soul music. 8pm

Until Again,


Monday, February 25, 2008

Sign Up to Rule The Air Waves!

Event: DJ for a Day
Hosted by: Coyote Radio
When: Mar 1, 2, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30, 2008 - 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM
Location: The Raven Cafe

142 N. Cortez Street, Prescott, AZ

Sunday, February 24, 2008

This Week, On A Very Special "What's Rockin'. . . ?"

Couple of things...

First, it's beautiful outside. Second, We are going to be closed next week for some structural work needed for the upcoming rooftop deck.

It will only be March 3rd through the 9th, and we promise the 10th will be business as usual. Thanks for your patience and understanding. We are only doing these things to make your experience with us even better. In the meantime, the upcoming week is very important. If you can only make it out one night this week make it Tuesday...see below.

Monday: Pizza, Pitcher, and a Picture Night continues. This weeks film is Stanley Kubrick's "Lolita." Great pizzas combined with scandalous's what the best Hollywood foundations are built on. 8:30pm

Tuesday: Comes a time, once a year, when Ty has a Birthday. Ty likes to keep his birthdays quiet. We ask, "Why?" When a man is turning 33 years old it's important to have all of your friends around to help you celebrate. That's why we're asking you to come down on Tuesday night and help us celebrate Ty's 33rd Birthday. Ben and Miguel are putting together a fabulous Island inspired menu, and the Prescott Playboys will be on hand with special guests and surprises. Music starts at 7pm.

Wednesday: Ben and Cody are putting together the best Burger Menu in town. Local Musician, Teacher, and all around Friend of the Jazz Community Mel Zelnick recently passed away. Services are being held Wednesday, friends and musicians are coming in from around the country, and a tribute concert is being held at the Raven Wednesday Night (Tonight). It promises to be a night of memories, new musical comraderies, and great Jazz. 7pm

Creole-Soul Food and a benefit for the Prescott Area Women's Shelter. PAWS cares for local women who are in abusive situations. The benefit will help provide funds for the shelter. The Raven will donate 10% of the evenings earnings, so, the more people who come out the better.

Music for the evening will be provided by Jonathon Best from 6pm until 7:30pm...Then, KING BEE and THE SNAPPIN' TURTLES will take the stage for an evening of snake handling and spiritual revivalist dance music. Evening starts at 6pm...Please come support PAWS for doing so much good work in the community.

Friday: Miguel will be cooking up some great ribs with all the fixins, as well as a whole bunch of other goodies. Adam Schrader will spin a Revival set of all the classics you forgot you loved so much.

Tapas, Raven-Style. It's a classic concept, re-invented the way we love to do things. DJ O. Allen Huddleston will be on hand to spin a set of ambient, eclectic, danceable soul music. 8pm

Sunday: We will not be open this Sunday through next Sunday.

Your album of the week: MV and EE & The Golden Road "Gettin' Gone."
Imagine Neil Young, Sonic Youth, and Dinosaur Junior all working together on something that might sound like an alt-country album and you are probably pretty close to the mark. I drove back from Phoenix late a few nights ago and couldn't have asked for a better soundtrack.

Until Again,


Saturday, February 23, 2008

This Weekend on Coyote Radio

Howdy Coyotistas!

Our fifth weekend of experimental community radio broadcasting on AM 1670. Arnie, in the KYXS-Coyote Radio weather room, says the rain and snow will let up and we'll have a cold - but unwindy - pair of days.

Still time to tune in and snuggle up, baby's! This weekend we bring you DJ sets from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - postulating the existence of "Country That Doesn't Suck" and a little something we're calling "Dr. Freud, It Was Like This . . . ," famed alt-60's DJ Leslie Stevens' off the beaten path good time oldies, an interview with best selling crime fiction writer Anne Frasier, Bob Wright's Baseball History, spotlight on Coyote Radio Theater writer/voice actor/spokesmodel Christian Smith and a whole lot more.

Tune in, Stay in and warm up, that's what we say!
Also, remember March is "DJ for a Day" month at KYXS - Coyote Radio!
To spin a set of your own tunes in Studio A, click here.
This weekend on on KYXS - Coyote Radio you can hear: Saturday and Sunday (all times are approximate)

(7 am) DJ Leslie Stevens' Route 66 Good Time Oldies Show - This Seligman, AZ resident makes a syndicated show of alt-pop rock from the '60's. The Big Boss Sound of Route 66! This week's theme: Women's Names in Song!

(8 am) Democracy Now! - Amy Goodman and company return with another dose of news that doesn't originate at Spin Central. Headlines for February 22, 2008; Behind the John McCain Lobbying Scandal: A Look at How McCain Urged the Federal Communications Commission to Act on Behalf of Paxson Communications; Report from Belgrade: Serbian Protesters Set U.S. Embassy on Fire to Protest Independence of Kosovo; Samantha Power v. Jeremy Scahill: A Debate on U.S. Actions in the Balkans, the Independence of Kosovo, the Iraq Sanctions and Humanitarian Intervention; Samantha Power on “Chasing the Flame: Sergio Vieira de Mello and the Fight to Save the World"

KYXS, Coyote Radio, is the only radio partner of Democracy Now! in Yavapai County.

(9 am) In For Questioning - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - Angie Johnson-Schmit interviews chart topping paranormal crime fiction writer Anne Frasier. Sez Angie, "In this week's episode, we talk with Anne about PALE IMMORTAL and the further Tuonela, WI adventures in her upcoming book, GARDEN OF DARKNESS. Listen in to find out what she would do if faced with a (possible) real-life vampire, what her fav. classic horror movie is, and what decidedly unscary things are found on her desk."

Tune in for the interview show that goes beyond "just the facts, m'am."

(9:30 am) Coyote Radio Theater - "Fake English Accent Theatre" A rare look into the soul of longtime Coyote Radio Theater writer/spokesmodel Christian Smith, Comic Genius. Also, Christian's now infamous April Fools Prank on Prescott Arts Beat. (Caution: this segment includes graphic descriptions of outrageous new forms of art and did result in the hosts of this show being chastised by their supervisor.)

(9:50 am) British Old Time Radio Theater - "Clouds of Witness (part 3)" Dennis Humphrey curates the third installment in this adaptation of Dorothy L. Sayers' second Lord Peter Wimsey crime novel.

(10:20 am) Baseball History - Bob Wright walks us down the hallowed halls of the National Past Time, including stops in all forms of the field. This week includes a spotlight on Moe Berg, who couldn't bat his way into the books, but made up for it in many other ways.

(10:40 am) Prescott Arts Beat - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - When you talk about hard workin', local theatre innovation, one name leads the list: Blue Rose Theatre's Jody Drake can hardly sit still as she talks about her work at the only historical interpretation theatre group in the Southwest. Includes Andrew's 5 Big Questions.

(11:30 am) Crazy Dog Audio Theatre - "Infidel (part 1)" Roger Gregg's challenging radio drama about ordinary people caught up in the Crusades. An allegory for our times? Perish the thought! Its just the best radio theatre happening in the English speaking world today. Just ask the Irish Times. Or the Coyote Radio staff.

(12:00 pm) DJ - Country That Doesn't Suck - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - DJ Gary Wilding take you on a stroll through a playlist you will not hear on local corporate country radio, including Ryan Adams, early Dwight Yoakam, Iris DeMent, Wilco, recent Steve Earle and a few curveballs. Let us know if you'd like to hear more alt-country music! If you'd like to try playing the music you like over the radio, click here.

(1:00 pm) DJ - Free Form - "Dr. Freud, It Was Like This . . ." - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - DJ Perri Sane documents a recent "life changing conversation" in song. According to Perri, "Every song tells a story and when you add them all together it should paint the picture of what happened." If you'd like to try your hand at free form DJ work or any kind of DJ work, click here.

(2 pm) DJ Leslie Stevens' Route 66 Good Time Oldies Show - This Seligman, AZ resident makes a syndicated show of alt-pop rock from the '60's. The Big Boss Sound of Route 66! This week's theme: Women's Names in Song!

(3 pm) Democracy Now! - Amy Goodman and company return with another dose of news that doesn't originate at Spin Central. Headlines for February 22, 2008; Behind the John McCain Lobbying Scandal: A Look at How McCain Urged the Federal Communications Commission to Act on Behalf of Paxson Communications; Report from Belgrade: Serbian Protesters Set U.S. Embassy on Fire to Protest Independence of Kosovo; Samantha Power v. Jeremy Scahill: A Debate on U.S. Actions in the Balkans, the Independence of Kosovo, the Iraq Sanctions and Humanitarian Intervention; Samantha Power on “Chasing the Flame: Sergio Vieira de Mello and the Fight to Save the World"

KYXS, Coyote Radio, is the only radio partner of Democracy Now! in Yavapai County.

(4 pm) In For Questioning - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - Angie Johnson-Schmit interviews chart topping paranormal crime fiction writer Anne Frasier. Sez Angie, "In this week's episode, we talk with Anne about PALE IMMORTAL and the further Tuonela, WI adventures in her upcoming book, GARDEN OF DARKNESS. Listen in to find out what she would do if faced with a (possible) real-life vampire, what her fav. classic horror movie is, and what decidedly unscary things are found on her desk."

Tune in for the interview show that goes beyond "just the facts, m'am."

(4:30 apm) Coyote Radio Theater - "Fake English Accent Theatre" A rare look into the soul of longtime Coyote Radio Theater writer/spokesmodel Christian Smith, Comic Genius. Also, Christian's now infamous April Fools Prank on Prescott Arts Beat. (Caution: this segment includes graphic descriptions of outrageous new forms of art and did result in the hosts of this show being chastised by their supervisor.

(4:50 pm) British Old Time Radio Theater - "Clouds of Witness (part 3)" Dennis Humphrey curates the second installment in this adaptation of Dorothy L. Sayers' second Lord Peter Wimsey crime novel.

(5:30 pm) Baseball History - Bob Wright walks us down the hallowed halls of the National Past Time, including stops in all forms of the field. This week includes a spotlight on Moe Berg, who couldn't bat his way into the books, but made up for it in so many other ways.

(5:50 pm) Prescott Arts Beat - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - When you talk about local theatre innovation, one name leads the list: Blue Rose Theatre's Jody Drake can hardly sit still as she talks about her work at the only historical interpretation theatre group in the Southwest. Includes Andrew's 5 Big Questions.

(6:20 pm) Crazy Dog Audio Theatre - "Infidel (part 1)" Roger Gregg's challenging radio drama about ordinary people caught up in the Crusades. An allegory for our times? Perish the thought! Its just the best radio theatre happening in the English speaking world today. Just ask the Irish Times. Or the Coyote Radio staff.

(6:50 pm) DJ - Country That Doesn't Suck - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - DJ Gary Wilding take you on a stroll through a playlist you will not hear on local corporate country radio, including Ryan Adams, early Dwight Yoakam, Iris DeMent, Wilco, recent Steve Earle and a few curveballs. Let us know if you'd like to hear more alt-country music! If you'd like to try playing the music you like over the radio, click here.

(7:50 pm) DJ - Free Form - "Dr. Freud, It Was Like This . . ." - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - DJ Perri Sane documents a recent "life changing conversation" in song. According to Perri, "Every song tells a story and when you add them all together it should paint the picture of what happened." If you'd like to try your hand at free form DJ work or any kind of DJ work, click here.

Also this weekend: on our sister station, KJZA (89.5FM) you can hear the hilariously funny Sean Jeralds and Joanne Robertson recount the way cast members put "Rumors," the Neil Simon farce opening at Prescott Fine Arts Association next week on its feet. Featured on Prescott Arts Beat (Sundays at noon.)

Check out our blog to find out about all the happenings at our roost, The Raven Cafe.

The AM 1670 LPAM broadcast is currently heard in Southside Prescott. Reports of people hearing the show range from Haisley Homestead to the Compass Bank parking lot, including The Foothills and Summit Pointe Estates. The signal seems strongest currently during the day and car radios seem to pick it up better.

If you hear us, please let us know, either through a comment here or via email to

And, as always, if you'd like a show of your own - please let us know!

your radio pal,

Andrew Johnson-Schmit

Andrew Johnson-Schmit
Chairman, Coyote Radio
AM 1670
Prescott, AZ USA

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Jazz Vibraphonist Jim Cooper Sits in with The Jackson-Jones Jazz Trio this Saturday!

Jazz vibraphonist Jim Cooper has played with greats like Milt Hinton, Frank Wess, Jodie Christian, Barrett Deems, Gordon Brisker, Mark Levine, Ernie Krivda, Joe Lovano, and Ira Sullivan. He's released 2 CDs on Delmark Records -- Tough Town and Nutville (both of which received three-star reviews in Jazz Times and Downbeat.

Currently a resident of Sagatuck, MI (from whence he drives a few hours for Chicago gigs about once a month), Cooper was born in 1951 in a musical family on Chicago's South Side. While studying at Michigan State University he bought his first set of vibes, and began playing in a free-form jazz workshop -- playing totally improvised music -- led by drummer Poncho Vera.

The Jackson-Jones Jazz Trio, stalwarts of the NorAZ jazz scene, heard on Coyote Radio's jazz shows and so frequent the Raven stage they should just move over to a cafe table and rest on the weekdays 'cause we'll be groovin' to 'em again soon enuf - will perform with Jim Cooper at 8pm on Saturday.

For more information, visit Jim's website:

Video of the Radio Star

Long time listeners to Coyote Radio will remember our good friend Roger Gregg, an ex-pat living over in Dublin, Ireland and the brains behind Crazy Dog Audio Theatre. We've featured some of his great comedy radio work on Coyote Radio: the sci-fi send up Big Big Space ("Invasion from Planet Vampire") and his seminal Bill Lizzard PI stories, featuring Cyril the Pooka.

Well, Roger's taking a break from radio theatre with a new stage show he's put together, featuring some of the same crew he's used on RTE, the Irish radio network.In this segment, Roger's working the mic, talking his glorious cosmic malarkey. Feel your mind E X P A N D I N G? Good.

Roger Gregg - voices.
Peter O'Kennedy - drums, percussion, fx.
Giordai Ua Laoghaire - guitar, synthesizer.
Molly Magahy - keyboards.

Check him out, people. This man is the real deal. And I found him first, so, technically, I'm cooler than y'all.

Monday, February 18, 2008

It's All About The Bongo Love, Baby!

Monday: Pizza, Pitcher, and a Picture night continues with our spin on how to make the best pizza in town, and "It's all about plastics..." Your movie for the evening will be "The Graduate" starring Dustin Hoffman. 8:30pm

Tuesday: Ben and Miguel are working out a Mediterranean Menu for you. Lamb and Swordfish Kabobs, Slipper Tail Lobsters, Pasta, and a smorgasbord (points for working that word in) of other flavors. Entertainment for your dining pleasure will be provided by The Bongo Love Band. The Bongo Love Band* is an Original Roots African Band with an eclectic style that intrigues lovers of many musical genres. Bongo, the front–man, is straight from Zimbabwe and he is known for transporting his crowd to his African world. Where is the Love? At The Raven Café, on Tuesday, February 19, 2008 at 7p.m.. at 142 N Cortez St in Prescott, AZ 86301 (928 )717- 0009. 7pm

Wednesday: The Best Burgers in Town...Every Wednesday Night Ben redefines what it means to create an expectation-defying burger.

Thursday: Sweeping The Swamp...Creole-Soul-Comfort Food.

Friday: Miguel continues cooking the best ribs I have ever had...and I've had a lot of ribs...Then...Shri returns to the Raven for a night of Blues and Grooves...8pm

Saturday: Tapas-redefined...Then, Jackson-Jones Jazz Trio plus one (Jim Cooper will be sitting in on Vibes). This will be a great show for everyone. 8pm

Your Album Of The Week...It's all about the Soul...John Ziegler continues his invaluable contributions with "The Stax Records Box Set"...We're talking about Otis Redding, Sam and Dave, Booker T. and The MG's, Carla Thomas, Mabel John and a many more. It'll make your mood ring turn green.

Until Again


Sunday, February 17, 2008

Strange Sighting on the Dance Floor Last Nite

Last night at The Raven Cafe, DJ Bean 5000 was halfway through his set, when a sports mascot allegedly burst onto the dance floor and began to shake his furry thang.

The only evidence is this murky cellphone video and there have been claims that this is not an authentic sports mascot sighting, but rather an elaborate hoax, perpetrated by anthropomorphic woodland creatures.

Clearly, more research is needed. Mascot run amok or magical beastie?

You be the judge.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

This Weekend on Coyote Radio

Howdy Coyotistas!

Our fourth weekend of experimental community radio broadcasting on AM 1670. Sigh, just a month ago we were hauling the transmitter up on that roof and trying to get that grounding rod hammered into this Arizona "soil."

Are we going to see snow this weekend? Will it ever warm up? Tune in and snuggle up, babys, this weekend we bring you DJ sets from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - celebrating the history of Swing Music and a little band called Gogol Bordello; a smile on your face from DJ Leslie Stevens' " good time oldies, comedy radio theater from the Coyotes and a whole lot more.

Tune in, Stay in and warm up, that's what we say!

Also, remember March is "DJ for a Day" month at KYXS - Coyote Radio! To spin your own tunes in Studio A, click here.

This weekend on on KYXS - Coyote Radio (all times are approximate):

(7 am) DJ Leslie Stevens' Route 66 Good Time Oldies Show - This Seligman, AZ resident makes a syndicated show of alt-pop rock from the '60's. The Big Boss Sound of Route 66! This week's theme? Hot Rod songs!

(8 am) Democracy Now! - Amy Goodman and company return with another dose of news that doesn't originate at Spin Central. Headlines for this weekend: East Timor Braces for Potential Crisis Following Assassination Attempt on President Jose Ramos-Horta ; On Tenth Anniversary of V-Day, Vagina Monologues Playwright Eve Ensler Focuses on Violence Against Women in New Orleans and Gulf South; SEIU Members Face Off in Dispute Over Leadership, Direction of One of Nation's Largest Unions

KYXS, Coyote Radio, is the only radio partner of Democracy Now! in Yavapai County.

(9 am) In For Questioning - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - Angie Johnson-Schmit interviews hot new Noir writer Duane Sweirczynski. Sez Angie, "Duane Swierczynski - Last know location: The mean streets of Philadelphia, PA - In this week's episode, we talk with Duane about Blondes, redheads, comics, historical mysteries, and journalism. Listen in as we explore Duane's shocking revelations about his flute playing nerd years and his recent first-hand (er, nose) experience with feminine hygiene products.
*Warning: you're gonna need running shoes for your ears! This dude talks at warp speed."

Tune in for the interview show that goes beyond "just the facts, m'am."

(9:30 am) Coyote Radio Theater - "Revenge of the Radio Avenger (part 2)" The conclusion of this gripping comedy tussling with old time radio, altered states of consciousness and one of the most annoying speech impediments in arts and entertainment today. Also, fans of alt-news may enjoy "Apocalypse Update" and a curiously moving interview with the fallen Star Wars icon, R2-D2, by our own Maisie McAllister.

(10 am) British Old Time Radio Theater - "Clouds of Witness (part 2)" Dennis Humphrey curates the second installment in this adaptation of Dorothy L. Sayers' second Lord Peter Wimsey crime novel.

(10:30 am) Slab City Slam - Recorded live at Arcosanti, slam poets from all over the state of Arizona and beyond. Featuring poems by Christopher Lane, Krystofer Krimmel, Christa Bell, Eric Gray and Rowie Shebala.

(10:50 am) Prescott Arts Beat - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - Sweet Tart Cafe's Crystal Daniels gives us the low down on how to stay svelte working in a pastry shop, what makes food romantic and where to pick up unusual spices in this town. Includes this week's arts and culture in the Quad Cities and Andrew's 5 Big Questions.

(11:30 pm) DJ - The Secret History of Swing - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - Our DJ's take you on a Lindy Hop through the annuals of this most enthusiastic jazz offshoot. With a particular focus on the '90's Swing Revival, featuring The Puppini Sisters, Oscar Aleman, Glenn Miller, Les Negresses Vertes, Duke Ellington, Royal Crown Revue, Bob Wills, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Hot Club USA and many others. Let us know if you'd like to hear more swing music!

(12:30 pm) DJ - Spotlight: Gogol Bordello - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - Celebrating the career misstep of frontman Eugene Hutz's recent appearance in a movie (directed by Madonna?!!) How many great multi-ethnic gypsy punk bands are there in the world? Not enough, if this band is an indication. Includes selections from a live show at Maxwell's in 2004.

(1:30 pm) DJ Leslie Stevens' Route 66 Good Time Oldies Show - This Seligman, AZ resident makes a syndicated show of alt-pop rock from the '60's. The Big Boss Sound of Route 66!

(2:30 pm) Democracy Now! - Amy Goodman and company return with another dose of news that doesn't originate at Spin Central. Headlines for this weekend: East Timor Braces for Potential Crisis Following Assassination Attempt on President Jose Ramos-Horta ; On Tenth Anniversary of V-Day, Vagina Monologues Playwright Eve Ensler Focuses on Violence Against Women in New Orleans and Gulf South; SEIU Members Face Off in Dispute Over Leadership, Direction of One of Nation's Largest Unions

KYXS, Coyote Radio, is the only radio partner of Democracy Now! in Yavapai County.

(3:30 pm) In For Questioning - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - Angie Johnson-Schmit interviews hot new noir writer Duane Sweirczynski. Sez Angie, "Duane Swierczynski - Last know location: The mean streets of Philadelphia, PA - In this week's episode, we talk with Duane about Blondes, redheads, comics, historical mysteries, and journalism. Listen in as we explore Duane's shocking revelations about his flute playing nerd years and his recent first-hand (er, nose) experience with feminine hygiene products.*Warning: you're gonna need running shoes for your ears! This dude talks at warp speed."

Tune in for the interview show that goes beyond "just the facts, m'am."

(4 pm) Coyote Radio Theater - "Revenge of the Radio Avenger (part 2)" The conclusion of this gripping comedy tussling with old time radio, altered states of consciousness and one of the most annoying speech impediments in arts and entertainment today. Also, fans of alt-news may enjoy "Apocalypse Update" and a curiously moving interview of the fallen Star Wars icon R2-D2 by our own Maisie McAllister.

(4:30 pm) British Old Time Radio Theater - "Clouds of Witness (part 2)" Dennis Humphrey curates the second installment in this adaptation of Dorothy L. Sayers' second Lord Peter Wimsey crime novel.

(4: 50 pm) Slab City Slam - Recorded live at Arcosanti, slam poets from all over the state of Arizona and beyond. Featuring poems by Christopher Lane, Krystofer Krimmel, Christa Bell, Eric Gray and Rowie Shebala.

(5:30 pm) Prescott Arts Beat - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - Sweet Tart Cafe's Crystal Daniel gives us the low down on how to stay svelte working in a pastry shop, what makes food romantic and where to pick up unusual spices in this town. Includes this week's arts and culture in the Quad Cities and Andrew's 5 Big Questions.

(6:30 pm) DJ - The Secret History of Swing - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - Our DJ's take you on a Lindy Hop through the annual of this most enthusiastic jazz offshoot. With a particular focus on the '90's Swing Revival, featuring The Puppini Sisters, Oscar Aleman, Glenn Miller, Les Negresses Vertes, Duke Ellington, Royal Crown Revue, Bob Wills, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Hot Club USA and many others. Let us know if you'd like to hear more swing music!

(7:30 pm) DJ - Spotlight: Gogol Bordello - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - Celebrating the career misstep of frontman Eugene Hutz's recent appearance in a movie directed by Madonna. How many great multi-ethnic gypsy punk bands are there in the world? Not enough, if this band is an indication. Includes selections from a live show at Maxwell's in 2004.

Also this weekend: on our sister station, KJZA (89.5FM) you can hear on Prescott Arts Beat (Sundays at noon.)

Check out our blog to find out about all the happenings at our roost, The Raven Cafe.

The AM 1670 LPAM broadcast is currently heard in Southside Prescott. Reports of people hearing the show range from Haisley Homestead to the Compass Bank parking lot. The signal seems strongest currently during the day and car radios seem to pick it up better.

If you hear us, please let us know, either through a comment here or via email to

And, as always, if you'd like a show of your own - please let us know!

your radio pal,

Andrew Johnson-Schmit

Andrew Johnson-Schmit
Chairman, Coyote Radio
AM 1670
Prescott, AZ USA

Monday, February 11, 2008

That Crazy Little Thing Called Love

First, let us say thank you to Jon Rauhouse and all of you for making his show on Saturday such a huge success. ت

Unknown to us at the time was that Jon had planned on spending his 50th birthday at the Raven, playing music for you. ت

He promises to return, and we can't wait.

This week promises to be a great one, so without further ado...

Pizza, Pitcher, and a Picture night continues with "When Harry Met Sally." ت
This is a legendary film about friendship and the sounds of love.ت
Starring Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan...a great way to start your Valentine's week.

Ben, Miguel, and Shana are putting together a Southwest Menu for you.
No one does Southwestern better than Miguel...even Bobby Flay has tried to steal a few of his recipes.
Music on Tuesday will be by Monday Night Bluegrass, a local bluegrass group that will be making their first appearance at the Raven. ت
Music starts at 7pm

Verde Watershed Wednesday returns for an evening filled with education,poetry, and fun. ت7pm

Valentine's Day...The Raven will be hosting two seatings on this evening...6pmand 8pm. ت
We will be providing table service, piano music by Jonathon Best, complimentary Champagne splits, and an exquisite menu by Ben, Miguel, and Debbie. ت
Reservations are highly recommended, and spaces are quickly fillingup. ت
Price is $90 per couple, and menu is as follows:

ValentineصsDay Prix-Fixe


Course1:ت Soup

Lobster Bisque


SmokedTomato Bisque

(Bothserved with Creme Fraiche)


Course2:ت Appetizer

Lobster and Herb, Asparagus and Goat Cheese, and Lobster and Roasted Tomato Ravioli ina White Wine Beurre Blanc Sauce


Course3:ت Salad

Spinach,Beets, Pecans, and Dried Cherries with a Roasted
Red Onion Vinaigrette


Course4:ت Entrée

Butterfly Beef Filet stuffed with Green Chiles and Mushrooms.ت Wrapped in Bacon andAccompanied by a Slipper Lobster and Drawn Butter.


Salmonand Butterfish woven into a Sweet and Savory Combination, and Drizzled with aWhite Wine Butter Sauce


Steakof Portobello marinated and grilled, topped with loving Polenta and Stuffed Acorn Squash.


Course5:ت Dessert

APair of Pate Choux Swans filled with a Belgium White Chocolate Amaretto Mousse,floating in a pool of Raspberry and Accompanied with Two Chocolate Dipped Strawberries and Truffles.


It is our goal to provide the penultimate dining experience for you.ت Whenever possible substitutions can be made with regard to dietary restrictions.ت Please let us know when making your reservation any needs you may have and we will strive to ensure they are met.

From Phoenix...The Via Maris returns with guests The Old Believers, and Try Me Bicycle. ت
If you have enjoyed the music of Tierra Del Fuego, The Band of Annuals, and any of the other Americana revival acts we've had on our stage you will certainly enjoy these bands. ت8pm

Saturday:تDJ Bean 5000 returns for a set of ambient, electronic, drum and bass groove music perfect for a night of uninhibited dance moves. ت8pm

Your album of the week: ت
Let's go for some throw-back 60's Style CambodianSurf-Pop...Dengue Fever's new album, "Venus On Earth" will haveeveryone asking you who you are listening to and where they can find it.



Sunday, February 10, 2008

Last Night at The Raven Cafe: The Jon Rauhouse Sestet

Saturday nite: The Raven Cafe was especially proud to present an evening with The Jon Rauhouse Sestet. Jon is an unbelievable musician best known for his multi-instrumental backing of Neko Case and Calexico, his slide and pedal steel work setting a standard for musicians everywhere. Aside from that, he is an internationally recognized talent that sells out shows around the world.

Jon played here last May, and the response was overwhelming. Folks came from all over the state to see the show, and Jon sent us a note saying the Raven was definitely one of his favorite places he has ever played and you were one of the best audiences. This coming from an Austin City Limits regular.

PHX area bands Tierra Del Fuego and Farewell Review opened for him.

The full house included folks bringing in their kids to see the famed string man, out of towners come up to Everybody's Hometown for the gig and a Who's Who of the Prescott Cafe Crowd.

A wonderfully mellow night with the sounds of hawaiian guitar and harmony singing drifting back towards Studio A in The Raven Cafe.

Friday, February 8, 2008

This Weekend on Coyote Radio

Howdy Coyotistas!

Weekend #3 for our experimental community radio station, KYXS - AM 1670 - This weekend on Coyote Radio you can hear: Saturday and Sunday (all times are approximate)

(7 am) DJ Leslie Stevens' Route 66 Rockit Radio Show - This Ash Fork, AZ resident makes a syndicated show of alt-pop from the '60's. The Big Boss Sound of Route 66!

(8 am) Democracy Now! - Amy Goodman and company return with another dose of news that doesn't originate at Spin Central. This weekend, Will Conservative Republicans Back McCain? Following Romney's Departure, John McCain Appears Set to Become GOP Nominee; also Examining Clinton & Obama's Stances on the Subprime Mortgage Crisis, Universal Healthcare, Privatizing Social Security and Nuclear Energy.

KYXS, Coyote Radio, is the only radio partner of Democracy Now! in Yavapai County.

(9 am) In For Questioning - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - Angie Johnson-Schmit interviews the riveting new hard-boiled crime fiction writer, Christa Faust. Her novelization of "Snakes on a Plane" surprised many critics by making that slight plotline sustain over more words than can be fit on a cocktail napkin.

Her upcoming novel, "Money Shot" is even better, a stunner set in the adult film industry. Tune in for the interview show that goes beyond "just the facts, m'am."

(9:30 am) Coyote Radio Theater - "SeaMonkeys" and "Kyla Jackson, Temp Spy - Episode #1"
Two audience favorites
- a twisted commercial from the Smoke and Mirrors Division at GlobeCo, makers and exploiters of nearly everything. Followed by one woman's attempt to make it in a world full of dopey superspys and amorous idiots in mask and tights.

(9:45 am) Baseball History - Our announcer, Bob Wright, leads us once again through the hallowed halls of the National Pastime.

(10:00 am) Out of the Past: Investigating Film Noir - Clute and Edwards are waiting for you in the darkness - this time with an exploration of Rian Johnson's excellent debut, "Brick" - setting a tightly wound mystery filled with Chandleresque language in the mouths of teens slouching through the mean streets of contemporary high school life.

(10:45 am) "Masharama" - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - This DJ show explores the new musical form of mash-ups, strange new songs created by ripping apart existing songs,mixing and matching the basslines, vocals, guitars, etc. until a surprising new song rises up from the mixing board. The Beatles singing over Slashes guitar? Abba and the Bunnymen? Check it out and be hipper than your friends.

(11:45 am) Prescott Arts Beat - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - Kitchen Manager and Alt-Rock Guitar Hero Ben Dickey talks about reinventing the hamburger on SuperBurger Wednesdays at The Raven Cafe. Includes Andrew's 5 Big Questions.

(12:45 pm) "Secret Agent Mon" from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - This DJ show imagines a movie of international espionage featuring a rasta action hero, a latina demolitions expert and a Khmer singing femme fatale with a black belt in love. This would be the soundtrack of that movie.

(1:45 pm) Citrus Valley Playhouse - radio theatre from Mesa, AZ - "Elliott Power" has returned to Citrus Valley, Arizona. Sometimes he wonders why. Life was good in California where he wrote movies for silent screen cowboys. Set during the golden age of radio, The Life and Times of Elliot Power is a comedy-drama which focuses on the meaning of home, family, and the wonderful insanity of living in the Valley of the Sun. Writer/Director/Voice Actor

Brian Nissen is a wonderful new voice in American NTR. You may have seen him and his group during their month long stand at the Elks Opera House last year. Like what you hear? Check out their new tribute to Wallace and Ladmo.

(2:15 pm) Lord Peter Wimsey - "Cloud of Witness - episode #1" a radio theatre adaptation of Dorothy L. Sayers' second novel, involving our intrepid , if languid, upper crust sleuth and a murder that threatens to explode the quiet of an english country house.

(2:45 pm) DJ Leslie Stevens' Route 66 Rockit Radio Show - This Ash Fork, AZ resident makes a syndicated show of alt-pop from the '60's. The Big Boss Sound of Route 66!

(3:45 pm) Democracy Now! - Amy Goodman and company return with another dose of news that doesn't originate at Spin Central. This weekend, Will Conservative Republicans Back McCain? Following Romney's Departure, John McCain Appears Set to Become GOP Nominee; also Examining Clinton & Obama's Stances on the Subprime Mortgage Crisis, Universal Healthcare, Privatizing Social Security and Nuclear Energy.

KYXS, Coyote Radio, is the only radio partner of Democracy Now! in Yavapai County.

(4:45 pm) In For Questioning - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - Angie Johnson-Schmit interviews the riveting new hard-boiled crime fiction writer, Christa Faust. Her novelization of "Snakes on a Plane" surprised many critics by making that slight plotline sustain over more words than can be fit on a cocktail napkin.

Her upcoming novel, "Money Shot" is even better, a stunner set in the adult film industry. Tune in for the interview show that goes beyond "just the facts, m'am."

(5:15 pm) Coyote Radio Theater - "SeaMonkeys" and "Kyla Jackson, Temp Spy - Episode #1"
Two audience favorites
- a twisted commercial from the Smoke and Mirrors Division at GlobeCo, makers and exploiters of nearly everything. Followed by one woman's attempt to make it in a world full of dopey superspys and amorous idiots in mask and tights.

(5:30 pm) Baseball History - Our announcer, Bob Wright, leads us once again through the hallowed halls of the National Pastime.

(5:45 pm) Out of the Past: Investigating Film Noir - Clute and Edwards are waiting for you in the darkness - this time with an exploration of Rian Johnson's excellent debut, "Brick" - setting a tightly wound mystery filled with Chandleresque language in the mouths of teens slouching through the mean streets of contemporary high school life.

(6:30 pm) "Masharama" - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - This DJ show explores the new musical form of mash-ups, strange new songs created by ripping apart existing songs,mixing and matching the basslines, vocals, guitars, etc. until a surprising new song rises up from the mixing board. The Beatles singing over Slashes guitar? Abba and the Bunnymen? Check it out and be hipper than your friends.

(7:30 pm) Prescott Arts Beat - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - Kitchen Manager and Alt-Rock Guitar Hero Ben Dickey talks about reinventing the hamburger on SuperBurger Wednesdays at The Raven Cafe. Includes Andrew's 5 Big Questions.

(8:30 pm) "Secret Agent Mon" from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - This DJ show imagines a movie of international espionage featuring a rasta action hero, a latina demolitions expert and a Khmer singing femme fatale with a black belt in love. This would be the soundtrack of that movie.

(9:30 pm) Citrus Valley Playhouse - radio theatre from Mesa, AZ - "Elliott Power" has returned to Citrus Valley, Arizona. Sometimes he wonders why. Life was good in California where he wrote movies for silent screen cowboys. Set during the golden age of radio, The Life and Times of Elliot Power is a comedy-drama which focuses on the meaning of home, family, and the wonderful insanity of living in the Valley of the Sun. Writer/Director/Voice Actor

Brian Nissen is a wonderful new voice in American NTR. You may have seen him and his group during their month long stand at the Elks Opera House last year. Like what you hear? Check out their new tribute to Wallace and Ladmo.

(10:00 pm) Lord Peter Wimsey - "Cloud of Witness - episode #1" a radio theatre adaptation of Dorothy L. Sayers' second novel, involving our intrepid , if languid, upper crust sleuth and a murder that threatens to explode the quiet of an english country house.

Also this weekend: on our sister station, KJZA (89.5FM) you can hear all about the Sweet Tart Cafe on Prescott Arts Beat (Sundays at noon.)

Click here to check out our blog to find out about all the happenings at our roost, The Raven Cafe.

The AM 1670 LPAM broadcast is currently heard in Southside Prescott. Reports of people hearing the show range from Haisley Homestead to the Compass Bank parking lot. The signal seems strongest currently during the day and car radios seem to pick it up better.

If you hear us, please let us know, either through a comment here or via email to

And, as always, if you'd like a show of your own - please let us know!

your radio pal,

Andrew Johnson-Schmit
Chairman, Coyote Radio
AM 1670
Prescott, AZ USA

Monday, February 4, 2008

Valentine's Day, Mardi Gras, Mr. Orchid Fingers and the Return of the King Bee!

Punxsutawney Phil emerged from his burrow on Saturday, saw his shadow, and predicted six extra weeks of winter for 2008, but then again, he could just be a lazy groundhog looking to get in some extra sleep.

Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and we have plans to make it a special night for you and yours. For one night only, the Raven will be taking dinner reservations, providing table service, and turning itself into the most romantic dinner atmosphere in Northern Arizona. Ben and Miguel have put together a 5-Star Prix Fixe 5 Course Menu with a complimentary Champagne Split, and a gorgeous dessert by Debbie. We will be offering two seatings: 6pm and 8pm. Price is $90 per couple, and reservations are highly encouraged. Jonathon Best is working on a special Valentine's Evening Set of Piano Music. Call, E-Mail, or Stop By for Reservations or if you have any questions.

Monday: Pizza, Pitcher, and a Picture night continues. This weeks movie...Ground Hog Day starring Bill Murray. If you've seen it, you know you love it...if you haven't, you will love it. 8pm

Tuesday: Mardi Gras...By now you've probably noticed we tend to get a little worked up around holiday's that allow us to celebrate southern culture. That has a lot to do with the fact that a few of us come from the southland, and it's our way of sharing some of our heritage with you. Mardi Gras is all about celebrating, relaxing, eating some good food, hanging out with friends, listening to good music, and letting the good times roll. We'll be cooking up alligator, crawfish, rattlesnake, gumbo, ettouffe, and a few other surprises. We've got plenty of beads, MoonPies, and the best selection of New Orleans music this side of Louisiana. It will be a fun night for everyone. 6pm - until...

Wednesday: Ben's Famous Burger Night...come find out why everyone is saying we are making the best burgers they have ever had. It's an art form around here.

Thursday: Creole, Southern and Soul Food Night continues. We believe in the power of comfort food.

Friday: Put on your dancing shoes...King Bee and The Snappin' Turtles (Ben Dickey, Newt Lynn, and Adam Schrader) return for their first show at the Raven since Halloween. In case you missed that show , check out the little video clip and pictures on the Raven's myspace page for some idea of what's to

Saturday: The Raven Cafe is especially proud to present an evening with The Jon Rauhouse Sestet. Jon is an unbelievable musician known best for his multi-instrumental backing of Neko Case and Calexico. Aside from that, he is an internationally recognized talent that sells out shows around the world. Jon played here last May, and the response was overwhelming. Folks came from all over the state to see the show, and Jon sent us a note saying the Raven was definitely one of his favorite places he has ever played and you were one of the best audiences. This coming from an Austin City Limits regular. This will be a show you will not want to miss. He will be joined by Tierra Del Fuego and Farewell Review...8pm

Your Album of the Week...It's Mardi Gras, so I'll recommend a few albums for you this week...Dr. John's "In The Right Place" is always a great place to start for some great New Orleans music. If you want to get to the roots, try Professor Longhair's "Mardi Gras in Baton Rouge." Or, if you are just looking for the best funk available, try The Meter's "Look-Ka Py Py."

Until Again


Friday, February 1, 2008

This Weekend on Coyote Radio

Welcome back, Coyotistas! This weekend we're going to try something new: doing our shows on KYXS - AM 1670 - according to a schedule. So here goes!

This weekend on on Coyote Radio you can hear:
Saturday and Sunday (all times are approximate)

(7 am) DJ Leslie Stevens' Route 66 Rockit Radio Show - This Ash Fork, AZ resident makes a syndicated show of alt-pop from the '60's. The Big Boss Sound of Route 66!

(8 am) Democracy Now! - Amy Goodman and company return with another dose of news that doesn't originate at Spin Central. KYXS, Coyote Radio, is the only radio partner of Democracy Now! in Yavapai County.

(9 am) In For Questioning - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - Angie Johnson-Schmit interviews breakout crime fiction writer, Brett Battles. His debut "The Cleaner" is blowing off shelves at Barnes and Noble. Tune in for the interview show that goes beyond "just the facts, m'am."
(9:30 am) Coyote Radio Theater - "All the Skeleton's Men" Small town political satire set in everyone's other hometown, Crest Tawp, Arizona. And yes, this is the episode with the Mayor dressed up like a turkey . . . attacked by javalina.

(10 am) Crazy Dog Audio Theatre - "Big, Big Space - Part 2" The best radio comedy in the world coming to us from Dublin Ireland. Roger Gregg's twisted mind boldly goes where no man has gone before. And there are jokes about a shirt with puffy sleeves.

(10:30 am) Poet Tim Congdon - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - A little poetry, a little life lessons.

(11 am) DJ Cameron Lange - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - "3 Minute Pop."

(11:30 am) Prescott Arts Beat - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - Laura Prosseda dishes about the 5th Annual Prescott College production of "The Vagina Monologues." Includes a preview of the show, this week's calendar of arts and culture in the Quad Cities and Andrew's 5 Big Questions.
(12:30 pm) DJ - Blues and Jazz music - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - a little jump, a little Chicago, a little beyond description. From a blue place. No, there is no hot, tragic sounding white boy here. Sorry.

(1 pm) DJ - New Wave-ish music - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - let's face it, skinny ties rock. We accidently forgot to put some Bryan Adams here. Oops.

(1:30 pm) DJ - Music Beyond the First World - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - swingin', skankin', dubbin' etc. There will be no Kenny Loggins heard during this set.

(2 pm) DJ Leslie Stevens' Route 66 Rockit Radio Show - This Ash Fork, AZ resident makes a syndicated show of alt-pop from the '60's. The Big Boss Sound of Route 66!

(3 pm) Democracy Now! - Amy Goodman and company return with another dose of news that doesn't originate at Spin Central. KYXS, Coyote Radio, is the only radio partner of Democracy Now! in Yavapai County.

(4 pm) In For Questioning - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - Angie Johnson-Schmit interviews breakout crime fiction writer, Brett Battles. His debut "The Cleaner" is blowing off shelves at Barnes and Noble. Tune in for the interview show that goes beyond "just the facts, m'am."
4:30 pm) Coyote Radio Theater - "All the Skeleton's Men" Small town political satire set in everyone's other hometown, Crest Tawp, Arizona. And yes, this is the episode with the Mayor dressed up like a turkey . . . attacked by javalina.

(5 pm) Crazy Dog Audio Theatre - "Big, Big Space - Part 2" The best radio comedy in the world coming to us from Dublin Ireland. Roger Gregg's twisted mind boldly goes where no man has gone before. And there are jokes about a shirt with puffy sleeves.

(5:30 pm) Poet Tim Congdon - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - A little poetry, a little life lessons.

(6 pm) DJ Cameron Lange - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - "3 Minute Pop."

(6:30 pm) Prescott Arts Beat - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - Laura Prosseda dishes about the 5th Annual Prescott College production of "The Vagina Monologues." Includes a preview of the show, this week's calendar of arts and culture in the Quad Cities and Andrew's 5 Big Questions.
(7:30 pm) DJ - Blues and Jazz music - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - a little jump, a little Chicago, a little beyond description. From a blue place. No, there is no hot, tragic sounding white boy here. Sorry.

(8 pm) DJ - New Wave-ish music - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - let's face it, skinny ties rock. We accidently forgot to put some Bryan Adams here. Oops.

(8:30 pm) DJ - Music Beyond the First World - from Studio A in The Raven Cafe building - swingin', skankin', dubbin' etc. There will be no Kenny Loggins heard during this set.

(9 pm) DJ Leslie Stevens' Route 66 Rockit Radio Show - This Ash Fork, AZ resident makes a syndicated show of alt-pop from the '60's. The Big Boss Sound of Route 66!

(10 pm) Democracy Now! - Amy Goodman and company return with another dose of news that doesn't originate at Spin Central. KYXS, Coyote Radio, is the only radio partner of Democracy Now! in Yavapai County.

The AM 1670 broadcast is currently heard in Southside Prescott. Reports of people hearing the show range from Haisley Homestead to the Compass Bank parking lot. The signal seems strongest currently during the day and car radios seem to pick it up better.

If you hear us, please let us know, either through a comment here or via email to

And, as always, if you'd like a show of your own - please let us know!

your radio pal,

Andrew Johnson-Schmit